Paragraft – back in the app store

Some Paragraft users contacted me about issues with the app on recent versions of iOS and on recent devices, such as the bigger iPads. They also told me that there had been warnings about the app needing to be updated to run in the future. While my time budget for active development of Paragraft is limited, I didn’t want loyal users to be let down. So I’ve done a round of updates to the app to fix current issues.

The updates mean that the current incarnation Paragraft has a good bit of life in it yet. It plays nice with different screen sizes – although it’s not great at doing split-screen on the iPad. Most importantly, some nasty bugs that had arrived due to changes in iOS have been squashed.

There is, in the “lab”, a version of Paragraft with outlining and iCloud sync. It’s not ready to roll just yet, but, maybe, when I have some time… I know I’d like to be using this app on a regular basis, so there’s some incentive to get it done. If you’d be interested, get in touch and when there’s a beta available for testing I can ping you the relevant link.