custom.ts – Lunar Lander project

[code lang=”js”]
* Custom functions and blocks for interfacing with TFT display
* and supporting the Lunar Lander game.
* For documentation on the AdaFruit 1.44" TFT display
* see:
* The code to drive the display has been adapted from the code provided (in C++)
* by AdaFruit.
* For syntax that makes functions and enums available in the blocks editor
* see

// TFT display commands
// Only the commands actually used are included here. See the ST7735R
// data sheet for the full set of commands.
enum TftCom {
//% block="NOOP" NOOP
NOOP = 0x00,

//% block="SWRESET" Software Reset
SWRESET = 0x01,

//% block="SLPOUT" Sleep Out
SLPOUT = 0x11,

//% block="NORON" Normal Display Mode On (no parameters)
NORON = 0x13,

//% block="INVOFF" Display Inversion Off (0)
INVOFF = 0x20,

//% block="DISPON" Display On (no parameters)
DISPON = 0x29,

//% block="CASET" Column Address Set
CASET = 0x2A,

//% block="RASET" Row Address Set
RASET = 0x2B,

//% block="RAMWR" Memory Write
RAMWR = 0x2C,

//% block="MADCTL" Memory Data Access Control (1)
MADCTL = 0x36,

//% block="COLMOD" Interface Pixel Format (1)
COLMOD = 0x3A,
//% block="GMCTRP1" Gamma (+polarity) Corr’n Characteristics Setting (16)

//% block="FRMCTR1" Frame Rate Control (in normal mode / full colours) (3)
FRMCTR1 = 0xB1,
//% block="FRMCTR2" Frame Rate Control (in idle mode / 8 colours) (3)
FRMCTR2 = 0xB2,
//% block="FRMCTR3" Frame Rate Control (In Partial mode/ full colours) (3)
FRMCTR3 = 0xB3,

//% block="INVCTR" Display Inversion Control (1)
INVCTR = 0xB4,
//% block="PWCTR1" Power Control 1 (3)

PWCTR1 = 0xC0,
//% block="PWCTR2" Power Control 2 (1)
PWCTR2 = 0xC1,
//% block="PWCTR3" Power Control 3 (2)
PWCTR3 = 0xC2,
//% block="PWCTR4" Power Control 4 (2)
PWCTR4 = 0xC3,
//% block="PWCTR5" Power Control 5 (2)
PWCTR5 = 0xC4,
//% block="VMCTR1" VCOM Control 1 (VCOM voltage setting) (1)
VMCTR1 = 0xC5,

GMCTRP1 = 0xE0,
//% block="GMCTRN1" Gamma (-polarity) Corr’n Characteristics Setting (16)
GMCTRN1 = 0xE1,

//% block="DELAY"

// Canned sound options (for game sound effects and debugging / startup
enum LunarSound {
//% block="Start1" First sound on startup sequence
//% block="Start2" Second sound on startup sequence
//% block="MainBooster" Firing main enginge
//% block="Crash" Crash
//% block="Landing" Successful Landing
//% block="Original" First Test Phrase
// Custom sprite options
enum TftSprite {
//% block="Y"
//% block="o"
//% block="u"
//% block="C"
//% block="r"
//% block="s"
//% block="h"
//% block="e"
//% block="d"
//% block="L"
//% block="n"
//% block="!"
//% block="J"
//% block="b"
//% block="’"
//% block=G
//% block=a

//% block=boosterFlame

enum LandscapeSegment {
//% block=Crater1
//% block=Crater2
//% block=RoughTerrain1
//% block=RoughTerrain2
//% block=LandingSite
//% block=Mountain1
//% block=Mountain2

* Custom blocks

//% weight = 90 color=#0f0f80
namespace tools {

* Add two Array<number> variables together and return an array. I can’t see
this built in. Crazy. Have I missed or is it just a glaring omission?

//% block
export function addNumberArray(array1: Array<number>, array2: Array<number>): Array<number> {
let returnArray = array1
let array2Length = array2.length
for (let i = 0; i < array2Length; i++) {
let element = array2[i]
return returnArray

//% weight=100 color=#0fbc51 icon=""
namespace lunar {

* Draw the landscape, including setting up the
* allHeights array for collision detection

//% block
export function drawLandscape() {
xCursor = 0
segmentHeights = display.drawLandscapeSegment(xCursor, LandscapeSegment.Crater1)
allHeights = segmentHeights
xCursor = xCursor + segmentHeights.length

segmentHeights = display.drawLandscapeSegment(xCursor, LandscapeSegment.RoughTerrain1)
xCursor = xCursor + segmentHeights.length
allHeights = tools.addNumberArray(allHeights, segmentHeights)

segmentHeights = display.drawLandscapeSegment(xCursor, LandscapeSegment.Mountain2)
xCursor = xCursor + segmentHeights.length
allHeights = tools.addNumberArray(allHeights, segmentHeights)

landingStartX = (xCursor + 8) * display.displayScale()

segmentHeights = display.drawLandscapeSegment(xCursor, LandscapeSegment.LandingSite)
xCursor = xCursor + segmentHeights.length
allHeights = tools.addNumberArray(allHeights, segmentHeights)

landingEndX = (xCursor – 8) * display.displayScale()

segmentHeights = display.drawLandscapeSegment(xCursor, LandscapeSegment.RoughTerrain2)
xCursor = xCursor + segmentHeights.length
allHeights = tools.addNumberArray(allHeights, segmentHeights)

segmentHeights = display.drawLandscapeSegment(xCursor, LandscapeSegment.Crater1)
xCursor = xCursor + segmentHeights.length
allHeights = tools.addNumberArray(allHeights, segmentHeights)

segmentHeights = display.drawLandscapeSegment(xCursor, LandscapeSegment.Mountain1)
xCursor = xCursor + segmentHeights.length
allHeights = tools.addNumberArray(allHeights, segmentHeights)

* whiteNoise(duration: number, pitch: number)
* Make white noise for about duration milliseconds.
* The pitch value has (some) influence on the pitch.
//% block
export function whiteNoise(duration: number, pitch: number) {

let total = 0
duration = duration * 1000

while (total < duration) {
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P0, 0)
let wait = pitch + Math.random(500)
total = total + wait
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P0, 1)

* explosion()
* Explosion sound lasting 1000 milliseconds
//% block
export function explosion() {

let total = 0
let duration = 1000 * 1000
let baseWait = 1000

while (total < duration) {
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P0, 0)
let wait = baseWait + Math.random(3000)
total = total + wait
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P0, 1)
if (baseWait > 200) {
baseWait = baseWait – 50

* Play a brief sound so we know the button has been pressed.
//% block
export function clickSound(sound: LunarSound) {

if (sound == LunarSound.Default) {
music.playTone(262, music.beat(BeatFraction.Whole))

if (sound == LunarSound.MainBooster) {
for (let i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P0, 0)
control.waitMicros(200 + Math.random(501))
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P0, 1)

if (sound == LunarSound.Start1) {
music.playTone(262, music.beat(BeatFraction.Whole))

if (sound == LunarSound.Start2) {
music.playTone(392, music.beat(BeatFraction.Whole))


* Code for interfacing with the TFT
* setupDisplay()
* drawPixel(x: number, y: number, colour: number)
namespace display {

//% block
export function displayScale(): number {
return 32

* The display width in ‘working coordinates’. These are pixel values * displayScale()
//% block
export function displayWidth(): number {
return 128 * displayScale()

* The display height in ‘working coordinates’. These are pixel values * displayScale()
//% block
export function displayHeight(): number {
return 128 * displayScale()

* Convert a working coordinate to an actual pixel coordinate.
* Don’t expose this in final code. It should be internal.
//% block
export function roundedPixel(value: number): number {
let adjusted = value / displayScale();
adjusted = adjusted + (value & (displayScale() – 1) ? 1 : 0)
return adjusted;

* Draw a single pixel of a given colour
//% block
export function drawPixel(x: number, y: number, colour: number) {
if (outOfBounds(x, y)) {

setAddrWindow(x, y, x + 1, y + 1);
// send data (16 bits in two bytes)
tftCom(TftCom.RAMWR, [colour >> 8, colour])

function outOfBounds(v1: number, v2 = 0, v3 = 0, v4 = 0): boolean {
if (v1 < 0 || v1 > 127) {
return true
if (v2 < 0 || v2 > 127) {
return true
if (v3 < 0 || v3 > 127) {
return true
if (v4 < 0 || v4 > 127) {
return true
return false

* Draw a line of a given colour
//% block
export function drawLine(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, colour: number) {
let xDelta = x1 – x0
let yDelta = y1 – y0

if (Math.abs(yDelta) > Math.abs(xDelta)) {
let ySteps = Math.abs(yDelta / displayScale())
let xIncrement = xDelta == 0 ? 0 : xDelta / ySteps
let yIncrement = yDelta > 0 ? displayScale() : -1 * displayScale()

let x = x0
let y = y0;
for (let steps = 0; steps <= ySteps; steps++) {
drawPixel(roundedPixel(x), roundedPixel(y), colour)
x = x + xIncrement
y = y + yIncrement

let xSteps = Math.abs(xDelta / displayScale())
let yIncrement = yDelta == 0 ? 0 : yDelta / xSteps;
let xIncrement = xDelta > 0 ? displayScale() : -1 * displayScale()

let y = y0;
let x = x0
for (let steps = 0; steps <= xSteps; steps++) {
drawPixel(roundedPixel(x), roundedPixel(y), colour)
y = y + yIncrement
x = x + xIncrement

* Set the address window
//% block
export function setAddrWindow(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) {

if (outOfBounds(x0, y0, x1, y1)) {
// set the column
tftCom(TftCom.CASET, [0x00, x0 + 2, 0x00, x1 + 2]) // 2 is an adjust for thr AdaFruit 1.44 display
// set the row
tftCom(TftCom.RASET, [0x00, y0 + 3, 0x00, y1 + 3]) // 3 is an adjust for thr AdaFruit 1.44 display

* Fill a rectangle with a given colour
export function fillRect(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, colour: number) {

if (outOfBounds(x, y)) {

if ((x + width) > 128) {
width = 128 – x;

if ((y + height) > 128) {
height = 128 – y;

let hiColour = (colour >> 8) % 256;
let loColour = colour % 256;

setAddrWindow(x, y, x + width – 1, y + height – 1);

// we are going to manually implement the RAMWR command here because
// we have custom parameters. See comments in tftCom for details
// of what’s going on here.
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0); // command/data = command
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P16, 0); // select the TFT as SPI target
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 1); // command/data = data

for (let indexY = height; indexY > 0; indexY–) {
for (let indexX = width; indexX > 0; indexX–) {

pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P16, 1) // de-elect the TFT as SPI target
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0) // command/data = command

* Write a command to the TFT display
//% block
export function tftCom(command: TftCom, params: Array<number>) {

// handle the pseudo ‘DELAY’ command – provides a delay in milliseconds
if (command == TftCom.DELAY) {
let waitTime: number = 500
if (params.length == 1) {
waitTime = params[0]

// let the TFT know we’re sending a command (rather than data)
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0) // command/data = command
// select the TFT controller
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P16, 0) // select the TFT as SPI target


// let the TFT know we’re sending data bytes (rather than a command)
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 1) // command/data = data

for (let dataItem of params) {

// de-select the TFT controller
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P16, 1) // de-elect the TFT as SPI target

// restore pin to zero (for tidiness – not required)
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0) // command/data = command

* Setup and clear screen ready for used
//% block
export function setupScreen() {

pins.spiFrequency(4000000) // try a fast rate for serial bus



* Do initial set up for display. (Required before any drawing begins.)
//% block
function tftSetup() {

// General Setup (for various display types)

// 1. Software Reset
tftCom(TftCom.SWRESET, [])
tftCom(TftCom.DELAY, [150]) // we need ot wait at least 120ms

// 2. Exit Sleep Mode
tftCom(TftCom.SLPOUT, [])
tftCom(TftCom.DELAY, [150]) // we need to wait at least 120ms

// 3. Frame rate ctrl – normal mode
tftCom(TftCom.FRMCTR1, [0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D])

// 4. Frame rate ctrl – idle mode
tftCom(TftCom.FRMCTR2, [0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D])

// 5. Frame rate ctrl – dot inversion mode
tftCom(TftCom.FRMCTR3, [0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x01, 0x2C, 0x2D])

// 6. Display inversion ctrl – no inversion
tftCom(TftCom.INVCTR, [0x07])

// 7. Power Control -4.6v, Auto Mode
tftCom(TftCom.PWCTR1, [0xA2, 0x02, 0x84])

// 8. Power control,VGH25 = 2.4C VGSEL = -10 VGH = 3 * AVDD
tftCom(TftCom.PWCTR2, [0xC5])

// 9: Power control, Opamp current small + Boost Frequency
tftCom(TftCom.PWCTR3, [0x0A, 0x00])

// 10: Power control, BCLK/2, Opamp current small & Medium low
tftCom(TftCom.PWCTR4, [0x8A, 0x2A])

// 11: Power control
tftCom(TftCom.PWCTR5, [0x8A, 0xEE])

// 12: Power control
tftCom(TftCom.VMCTR1, [0x0E])

// 13. Don’t invert display
tftCom(TftCom.INVOFF, [])

// 14: Memory access control (directions)
tftCom(TftCom.MADCTL, [0xC8])

// 15: set color mode, 16-bit colour
tftCom(TftCom.COLMOD, [0x05])

// 1.44 display specific set up
tftCom(TftCom.CASET, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7F])
tftCom(TftCom.RASET, [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7F])

// Further General Setup (for various display types)

//1: Gamma Correction (magic numbers direct from AdaFruit code)
tftCom(TftCom.GMCTRP1, [0x02, 0x1c, 0x07, 0x12, 0x37, 0x32, 0x29, 0x2d, 0x29, 0x25, 0x2B, 0x39, 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x10])

//2: Gamma Correction (magic numbers direct from AdaFruit code)
tftCom(TftCom.GMCTRN1, [0x03, 0x1d, 0x07, 0x06, 0x2E, 0x2C, 0x29, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2E, 0x37, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x10])

// 3: Normal Display On
tftCom(TftCom.NORON, [])
tftCom(TftCom.DELAY, [10])

// 4: Main screen turn on
tftCom(TftCom.DISPON, [])
tftCom(TftCom.DELAY, [100])

* Set display a spriteAt
//% block
export function fastSpriteAt(x: number, y: number, state: boolean) {

x = roundedPixel(x)
y = roundedPixel(y)

if (outOfBounds(x, y)) {

let hiSpriteColour = (0xF800 >> 8) & 255;
let loSpriteColour = 0xF800 & 255;

let spritePattern = [
false, false, false, true, true, false, false, false,
false, false, true, false, false, true, false, false,
false, true, false, false, false, false, true, false,
false, false, true, false, false, true, false, false,
false, false, true, true, true, true, false, false,
false, true, false, false, false, false, true, false,
true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true,
true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true

setAddrWindow(x, y, x + 7, y + 7)
// we are going to manually implement the RAMWR command here because
// we have custom parameters. See comments in tftCom for details
// of what’s going on here.
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0); // command/data = command
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P16, 0); // select the TFT as SPI target
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 1); // command/data = data

for (let pixelOn of spritePattern) {

if (pixelOn && state) {
else {

pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P16, 1) // de-elect the TFT as SPI target
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0); // command/data = command

//% block
export function writeYouCrashed(xPosition: number, yPosition: number, state: boolean) {

let xCursor = xPosition
let yCursor = yPosition

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.Y, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.o, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.u, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.C, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.r, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.a, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.s, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.h, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.e, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.d, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.pling, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()


//% block
export function writeYouLanded(xPosition: number, yPosition: number, state: boolean) {

let xCursor = xPosition
let yCursor = yPosition

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.Y, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.o, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.u, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.L, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.a, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.n, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.d, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.e, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.d, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.pling, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

//% block
export function writeJacobsLander(xPosition: number, yPosition: number, state: boolean) {

let xCursor = xPosition
let yCursor = yPosition

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.J, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.a, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.C, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.o, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.b, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.apostrophe, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.s, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.L, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.a, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.n, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.d, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.e, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()

customSpriteAt(TftSprite.r, xCursor, yCursor, state)
xCursor = xCursor + 7 * displayScale()


function getPatternForCustomSprite(sprite: TftSprite): Array<string> {

switch (sprite) {
case TftSprite.G:
return [
" XXXX",
" X ",
" X ",
" X XX",
" X X",


case TftSprite.Y:
return [
"X X ",
" X X ",
" X ",
" X ",
" X ",
" X "

case TftSprite.o:
return [
" ",
" ",
" XX ",
"X X",
"X X",
" XX "

case TftSprite.u:
return [
" ",
" ",
"X X ",
"X X ",
"X XX ",
" XX X"

case TftSprite.C:
return [
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",

case TftSprite.r:
return [
" ",
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",
"X "

case TftSprite.a:
return [
" ",
" ",
" XXX ",
"X X ",
"X X ",

case TftSprite.s:
return [
" ",
"X ",
" XXXX ",
" X",

case TftSprite.h:
return [
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",
"X X",
"X X"

case TftSprite.e:
return [
" ",
" XXXX ",
"X X",
"X ",

case TftSprite.d:
return [
" X",
" X",
" X",
"X X",

case TftSprite.L:
return [
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",
"XXX "

case TftSprite.n:
return [
" ",
" ",
"X ",
"XXXX ",
"X X ",
"X X "

case TftSprite.pling:
return [
" X ",
" X ",
" X ",
" X ",
" ",
" X "

case TftSprite.J:
return [
" X ",
" X ",
" X ",
"X X ",
" XX "

case TftSprite.b:
return [
"X ",
"X ",
"X ",
"XXX ",
"X X ",
"XXX "

case TftSprite.apostrophe:
return [
" X ",
" X ",
" X ",
" ",
" ",
" "

case TftSprite.boosterFlame:
return [
" X ",

return ["X"]


function getPatternForCustomSprite(sprite: TftSprite): Array<string> {

switch (sprite) {
case TftSprite.G:
return [
" XXXX",
" X ",
" X ",
" X XX",
" X X",

case TftSprite.a:
return [
" ",
" XX ",
" X ",
" XXX ",
" X X ",

case TftSprite.boosterFlame:
return [
" X ",

return ["X"]



* Set display a spriteAt
//% block
export function customSpriteAt(sprite: TftSprite, x: number, y: number, state: boolean) {

x = roundedPixel(x)
y = roundedPixel(y)

if (outOfBounds(x, y)) {

let hiSpriteColour = (0xF800 >> 8) & 255;
let loSpriteColour = 0xF800 & 255;

let spritePattern = getPatternForCustomSprite(sprite)

let spriteWidth = spritePattern[0].length – 1
let spriteHeight = spritePattern.length – 1

setAddrWindow(x, y, x + spriteWidth, y + spriteHeight)
// we are going to manually implement the RAMWR command here because
// we have custom parameters. See comments in tftCom for details
// of what’s going on here.
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0); // command/data = command
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P16, 0); // select the TFT as SPI target
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 1); // command/data = data

for (let spriteLine of spritePattern) {

for (let character of spriteLine) {

if (character == "X" && state == true) {
else {

pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P16, 1) // de-elect the TFT as SPI target
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0); // command/data = command

* Alternative approach to landscape. A series of custom segments. When each segment is drawn it
* returns an array of heights for collision detection.

//% block
export function drawLandscapeSegment(xCursor: number, segment: LandscapeSegment): Array<number> {

let codedDeltas = codedDeltasForSegment(segment)

let peaks: Array<number> = []

let yCursor = 128 – 6

for (let code of codedDeltas) {

if (code == "=") {
drawPixel(xCursor, yCursor, 65535)
peaks.push(yCursor * displayScale())
xCursor = xCursor + 1

if (code == "+") {
yCursor = yCursor – 1
drawPixel(xCursor, yCursor, 65535)
peaks.push(yCursor * displayScale())
xCursor = xCursor + 1

if (code == "-") {
yCursor = yCursor + 1
drawPixel(xCursor, yCursor, 65535)
peaks.push(yCursor * displayScale())
xCursor = xCursor + 1

if (code == "!") {
yCursor = yCursor + 1
drawPixel(xCursor, yCursor, 65535)

if (code == "^") {
yCursor = yCursor – 1
drawPixel(xCursor, yCursor, 65535)
peaks.push(yCursor * displayScale())

return peaks
* Returns a string of coded deltas.
* = -> (1,0)
* + -> (1,-1)
* – -> (1,1)
* ! -> (0,1)
* ^ -> (0,-1)
function codedDeltasForSegment(segment: LandscapeSegment): string {

switch (segment) {
case LandscapeSegment.Crater1:
return "=+-!–=-=+=++^+-"

case LandscapeSegment.Mountain1:
return "=^++^++^+==!=!=—-=!"

case LandscapeSegment.Mountain2:
//return "=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^========!!!!!!!!!!!!!=" // TEST mountain – really high and flat
return "=+^^^^+=+^^^^^^++===–!!!!!!——!"

case LandscapeSegment.LandingSite:
return "===+++==—==============+++==—="

return "===+-==++-=-===++–===+-="

